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2024 Bendersville Fire Company Carnival a success despite weather

The Bendersville Community Fire Company held its annual carnival on Thursday, Friday, and

This year marked 105 years for the carnival.

biglerville carnival

Volunteer Kathy Yingling helped with the outside sandwich stand. “Attendance was definitely down because of the heat on Thursday and Friday,” she said. “Also, it was down because of storms on Saturday.”

Half Pint Creamery donated thousands of dollars worth of ice cream and cones for the Fire Company to sell. The inside kitchen volunteers offered hot beef or chicken sandwiches with mashed potatoes, BBQ, pit beef, hot dogs, shrimp or chicken baskets, fries, soups, and a vast assortment of delicious cakes.

There were games and music nightly. Gift card Bingo was popular. Small children enjoyed the car ride and were given a “drivers license” at the end. The ride first debuted in 1954.

Organizers said “We are immensely grateful to our wonderful community for the exceptional outpouring of support, generous sponsorships, and active memberships that have truly made this year’s Annual Carnival an outstanding success!”

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Amy Thomas, Contributing Editor, is responsible for community outreach, including our social media presence. She, her husband, and her two children reside in Adams County. Amy also works in early childhood education and occupational therapy, and volunteers with local organizations.

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