Adams County State and U.S. Legislators
Representative in the General Assembly, 91st District
Dan Moul (R)

Phone: 717.334.3010
Address: 30 West Middle Street, Gettysburg, PA 17325
District consists of part of ADAMS County consisting of the TOWNSHIPS of Conewago, Cumberland, Franklin, Freedom, Germany, Hamiltonban, Highland, Liberty, Mount Joy, Mount Pleasant, Straban and Union and the BOROUGHS of Bonneauville, Carroll Valley, Fairfield, Gettysburg, Littlestown and McSherrystown.

Senator in the General Assembly, 33rd District
Doug Mastriano, Franklin County (R)

Gettysburg Office:
16-A Deatrick Drive
Gettysburg, PA 17325
Phone: 717-334-4169
Fax: 717-334-5911
Toll Free: 866-334-1863
District Includes Adams and parts of Cumberland, Franklin, and York counties

Representative in the General Assembly, 193rd District
Torren Ecker, Adams County (R)

Abbottstown Office
282 West King St., 1st Floor
Abbottstown, PA 17301
FAX: 717-259-7802
Capitol Office
161B East Wing
PO Box 202193
Harrisburg PA 17120-2193
FAX: 717-787-7588
District consists of part of ADAMS County including the TOWNSHIPS of Berwick, Butler, Hamilton, Huntington, Latimore, Menallen, Oxford, Reading and Tyrone and the BOROUGHS of Abbottstown, Arendtsville, Bendersville, Biglerville, East Berlin, New Oxford and York Springs and Part of CUMBERLAND County consisting of the TOWNSHIPS of Cooke, North Newton, Penn, South Middleton and South Newton and the BOROUGH of Mount Holly Springs.

Representative in Congress, 13th District
John Joyce, Blair County (R)

Abbottstown Office
282 West King St. Abbottstown, PA 17301
Phone: (717) 357-6320
(Appointments by Request)
District includes Adams, Bedford, Blair, Cambria (part), Cumberland (part), Franklin, Fulton, Huntingdon, Somerset, and Westmoreland (part) Counties.

U.S. Senator
Dave McCormick (R)

U.S. Senator
John Fetterman (D)

Please update, Casey is no longer an elected official.
Done..Thank you.
I have a friendly FYI and request. Please update this page to change Toomey out for Fetterman. Thank you!