Adams County Planting Partnership to hold live-stake demonstration March 4

The Adams County Planting Partnership will host a live-stake workshop at the Adams County Agricultural and Natural Resources Center, 670 Old Harrisburg Rd., Gettysburg, on Saturday, March 4,
from 10-11:30 a.m.

Live staking involves harvesting a dormant cutting from a donor tree and simply inserting it into the ground, where it will root and develop into another tree. It’s a useful technique for planting new trees with minimal effort. At the ACPP event, participants will learn how to select, harvest, and plant a dormant cutting and will receive several cuttings to plant at home. The event is free, but registration is required.

Adams County Planting Partnership

Interested community members may register at or at or by calling the Adams County
Conservation District at 717-334-0636.

Participants may bring gloves and handheld pruners if they have them, but tools and gloves will be
provided as needed.

The Adams County Planting Partnership is a collaboration of the Adams County Conservation District, the Watershed Alliance of Adams County, the Chesapeake Bay Foundation’s 10 Million Trees
Partnership, and the residents of Adams County. Its mission is to inspire Adams County residents to plant native trees as part of the Chesapeake Bay Foundation’s goal to plant 10 million trees within the
Chesapeake Bay watershed by 2025.

For more information, visit

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