Bakewell Farm Presents “Bread for Each Other” at Sunday’s Heritage Festival

Come join the fun with Bakewell Farm from 12:00 to 4:00 at the 28th annual Adams County Heritage Festival on Sunday September 15, 2019.

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Bakewell presents a unique opportunity to learn about the art of baking, living, and eating well from a team of bread-bakers, a nutritionist, a physics teacher, and a pastry chef.

Presenters include Bakewell Farm, Gateau Monique, McGrath’s Bakehouse, physics teacher Eric Withers, and GHS Rayna Cooper, MS, RDN, LDN.

Demonstrations and talks (with Q&A) include “The Whole Grain Truth,” “Brick by Brick”, “Knead to Know,” “Flatbreads,” Talking Oven,” and “Bread for Each Other.”

The heritage festival is created in collaboration with the Interfaith Center for Peace and Justice and YWCA Gettysburg and Adams County.

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