Roughly 840 home cooked family-style meals were served yesterday at the picturesque picnic grove adjacent to St. Ignatius Loyola Catholic Church in Orrtanna. Patrons look forward to the annual picnic which is always held on the forth Saturday in August from noon until dusk. They come from near and far to attend. There were visitors from Fayetteville, New Cumberland, Lancaster, and even out of state. One visitor who comes every year said, “this is such a special, unique tradition.” The picnic marks the changing of summer into fall.
Ham and chicken dinners with ample sides such as relishes, mashed potatoes, broccoli salad, cucumbers and onions, corn, pickled eggs, and desserts are served in the dining hall. Most of the delicious food is sourced locally from the bountiful crops grown nearby. Ham salad sandwiches, burgers, hot dogs and sauerkraut, fries, and even birch beer is on tap at the sandwich stand. Another area offered peach sundaes, root beer floats, and ice cream.

Reverend Monsignor William Richardson began presiding this summer at the parish. He remarked, “Although the picnic is a fundraiser, it is much more than that: it is an opportunity to show our oneness in the Lord by working together to create an atmosphere of welcome, joy, and peace for our many guests.” His prayers for fine weather for the picnic were answered. While it was warmer, it wasn’t a humid day. The fine weather attracted people to the event and Monsignor was pleased with the turn-out.
Face painting, games, Bingo, and live music are traditionally on-site. The Willys and the C.B. Pickers performed. The from scratch food and old fashion fun draws the local community together. Deacon Steve Huete said, “my favorite part of the picnic is the fruit wheel. I load up on peaches. Yum!”
New to the picnic this year was the addition of a stand for Sister Thelma B. Steiger, HSF. She is an author, spiritual speaker and director, poet, iconographer, and Franciscan Hermit. Orders were taken for some of her books and religious icons. She plans to have upcoming speaking engagements at the church this fall. Her items will be available then as well. On October 23rd from 10:00 AM – 12:00 PM, she will discuss Contemplative Prayer for All.
Many weeks of planning and preparing go into the Buchanan Valley Picnic. Neighbors, community members, and parishioners come together working tirelessly to make the picnic a success each year. They help to husk and cut corn, peel potatoes and peaches, slice tomatoes, clean and prepare the grounds, wash dishes, serve the meals and many more jobs. Monsignor William and Deacon Steve helped about 20 others to cook and cut chicken which started at 3:00 AM on Thursday. On August 25th, the grounds are cleaned and volunteers enjoy a picnic.
The funds raised from the picnic will support St. Ignatius Parish. It is the single largest fundraiser for the church.
Amy Thomas, Contributing Editor, is responsible for community outreach, including our social media presence. She, her husband, and her two children reside in Adams County. Amy also works in early childhood education and occupational therapy, and volunteers with local organizations.