(Gettysburg, PA: 1/1/2023) – Graduating Adams County high school seniors can apply for more than one hundred local scholarships through the Adams County Community Foundation Scholarship Program beginning January 1, 2023. To apply, students simply create their personal student profile and complete one application by March 15 atwww.adamscountycf.org to be automatically matched to local scholarships.
Community Foundation scholarships support students furthering their education in trade schools, community college certification programs and traditional colleges.

The Adams County Community Foundation is a member of the National Scholarship Providers Association and takes an active role in helping students receive the full benefit of their scholarship awards. In 2022, the Community Foundation, in partnership with local state representatives Dan Moul and Torren Ecker, led a successful state-wide effort to eliminate scholarship displacement at Pennsylvania’s public colleges and universities. Displacement occurs when receipt of one form of financial aid, such as a private scholarship, results in a reduction in other forms of financial aid offered by the college.
The Adams County Community Foundation promotes and facilitates charitable giving and builds a permanent civic endowment for Adams County. The Community Foundation provides a home for a variety of charitable funds created by donors, including endowments directed to a specific organization or purpose. More information is available at www.adamscountycf.org