FASD still needs board member

The Fairfield Area school board still has an empty seat as no one has yet applied for the position.

During the school board’s meeting on Monday evening, Superintendent Thomas Haupt suggested advertising for the opening again, with a new deadline for applications set for noon Friday, April 22.


If eligible applicants submit materials by the deadline, they could be interviewed during the regular board meeting on April 25.

The position was briefly held by Rich Phillip. Phillip resigned due to moving outside of the district, according to an email from Thomas Weaver, former business manager for the district. The board accepted his resignation, which was effective as of March 21, during its last regular meeting on March 28.

The first time the board advertised for the position, it planned to interview candidates on April 11 and name a new board member on April 25.

Other business

Andrew Kuhn, district athletic director, said the district held its first signing day last week.

A second signing day for about five more student athletes will be held soon, he said. The date has not yet been announced.

William Mooney, district buildings and grounds supervisor, said three of the four lights in the parking lot are out but will be replaced soon.

Mooney also recommended the board contract with a company to remove dead trees and trim others for safety.

The board hired a full-time instructional technology assistant and a second shift custodian.

Mooney has informed the board in previous meetings that he hoped to hire custodians, telling the board in October that he had fewer second-shift custodians than normal.

There was no public comment.

Board Vice President Jack Liller said the board held closed sessions for personnel matters on April 4 and before the meeting on Monday.

Liller also announced the district received a $100 donation from the Mansion House 1757 Inn.

Fairfield will hold its next regular school board meeting at 7 p.m. Monday, April 25. Meetings are held in the district board room and are livestreamed through the district’s YouTube channel.

imari scarbrough
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Imari Scarbrough is a freelance journalist. She was a staff newspaper reporter for five years before becoming a freelancer in 2017. She has written on crime, environmental issues, severe weather events, local and regional government and more.

You can visit her website at ImariJournal.com.

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