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Free Microchips For Dogs This Sunday; Cat Clinic Is Coming

The Adams County SPCA, in collaboration with Steve Rice Law, is offering its very first Free Microchip Clinic. This initiative is a direct response to the startling statistic provided by the American Humane Association, which estimates that over 10 million dogs and cats are lost or stolen in the United States each year.

The Adams County SPCA and Steve Rice Law are stepping forward to keep pets from unnecessary shelter stays or from being claimed by the wrong person. To combat this problem, they will offer not only a free microchip for each dog but also include free chip registration. This essential step ensures that should pets go astray, they can be quickly identified by a local veterinarian’s office or shelter and safely returned to their anxious families.

Set to take place on April 21st, 2024, at Oakside Park, 2880 Table Rock Road in Biglerville, PA, the clinic is exclusively available for Adams County residents. To ensure smooth and efficient service, the clinic has set the condition of one dog per vehicle, and, notably, the clinic will not microchip cats on this date. However, cat owners need not worry; plans for a dedicated cat microchip clinic are already underway and will be announced at a future date.

The microchip clinic will run from 12 pm to 3 pm, offering a window of opportunity for residents to take that vital step in protecting their furry family members.

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