Gettysburg Connection is proud to share weekly “behind the scenes” stories from the Adams County Library System. The library serves all 100,000 Adams County residents and offers us each so much. Which library do you use and how do you use it? Will you leave a comment to show your support?

Funfest 2022 and more from the library

Hello, from the Adams County Library System! My name is Erica Duffy and my role in this organization is Development Director. Officially, I’ve been hired to raise funds through donations, sponsors and grants for the 6 library branches in Adams County. These funds are used for short-term and long-term needs to support Adams County Library System’s (ACLS) Mission and Purpose.

I’m here to say, it’s fun! Over the past 6 months, I’ve had an opportunity to visit our branches and participate in their programs and I encourage you to do the same. Libraries are much more than a place to check out books — it’s familial and communal. Patrons and staff know each other well, children stay after school to socialize, parents are connecting with each other during story-time and building new relationships.

erica duffy

It is rewarding to be in a working relationship with the Adams County community. Which is why I’m excited to invite you to our Annual FunFest, June 10th at the Gettysburg Recreation Park from 4:00 to 7:00 p.m. I assure you, it will be fun!

What is FunFest? It is our kick-off into Summer Quest, the ACLS summer learning program. This year’s theme is Oceans of Possibilities. ACLS encourages children and families to experience everything the library has to offer through leisure reading and participation in a variety of activities at each of our 6 branch locations over the summer. We will have vendors and each booth there will be a craft or activity for children to celebrate our Ocean theme! Would you like to be a vendor? My contact information is at the end.

It’s not just booths! The Gettysburg Fire Department will be there with their fire truck! Adventure in Fun will also be at FunFest with balloon animals and face painting. There will be food! Visit Mr. Y’s Shaved Ice and the Dairy Association Truck for those awesome Farm Show milkshakes. The Gettysburg Kiwanis Club will be selling hot dogs and fruit and DJ Ziegler will provide the music!

We will have a lot of volunteers helping at the event and thank Gettysburg Rotary Club for volunteering to be our parking crew! This is a big event and we need all of the volunteer support you can give during FunFest. Would you consider donating your time to help us kick-off our SummerQuest program? I assure you, it will be fun we are grateful for any amount of time you can give June 10th

FunFest is not a fundraiser. I would love to speak with you about being a FunFest Sponsor. This is a great event, at our last FunFest in 2019 we had over 2,000 participants that day! Your organization will be seen and your donation is tax-exempt! Let’s talk!

Please email me at or call our office at 717-334-0163 to learn more about how you can participate in FunFest 2022!

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