Gettysburg applies for major renovation grant; will reevaluate borough signage

Gettysburg Borough has re-applied for a large grant that if successful would give the town a major facelift.

At their meeting on Monday the council added Lincoln Square and portions of Chambersburg St., Carlisle St., and York St. to their Baltimore Street Historic Pathway Revitalization Master Plan. The borough will commit about $451,000 of local funds for the work as part of a request for $9 million to the U.S. Dept. of Transportation through the 2022 Rebuilding American Infrastructure with Sustainability and Equity (RAISE) grants program.

parking garage

Gable noted that $451,000 is a large number but only 4 percent of the overall construction budget. “This is about return on investment,” he said.

Council President Wes Heyser said one of his goals is to bring as many federal tax dollars back to Gettysburg as possible. “You cannot do that without committing some of your local tax dollars,” he said. “It would be great if we can get those funds while federal dollars are flowing.”

“It’s an exciting time for something so enormous to come back to Gettysburg,” said Main Street Gettysburg President Jill Sellers.

After hearing several council members say they had heard frequent complaints about the difficulty of finding the parking garage, the borough will consider improving signage across the town.

The borough said there were over 5,000 signs in the borough and that some might need to be removed.

Police Chief Robert Glenny said there were a lot of regulations and following signage guidelines was important for enforcement.

In other news:

  • The South St. project continues with sidewalk and curbing installations.
  • Gas reinstallations on High St. are complete and curbs and sidewalks are being repaired. Paving is expected to begin in late April or May.
  • Designs for the B.1 phase of the HAPBI bicycle trail are moving forward.
  • Jennie Dillon was reappointed to the Human Relations Commission. Dillon has served one year on the board and was appointed for another 5 years.
  • The next medicine takeback is on April 30 from 10:00 a.m. to 2:00 p.m. at many locations around the county. Unused medications may also be dropped off at the borough office during office hours.
  • The next shredding event will be held on May 20. 
  • Adams County is offering a tire recycling event on Saturday May 21. For more information, call 717-334-0636 between the hours of 8:00 a.m. and 4:30 p.m., Monday through Friday, or email

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