Fairfield approves new district logo

The Fairfield Area School District Knights logo confusion has been settled.

Superintendent Thomas J. Haupt told the district’s board of directors recently that more than a half dozen logos are used to represent the school’s mascot, The Knights. Haupt encouraged the board to choose one logo to ensure uniformity throughout the district. 

The Fairfield Area School Board recently approved a new Knights logo.

The board was presented with two options at its April meeting, with the majority of directors preferring one that shows a knight wielding a sword with the word “Knights” under the character. The less popular option was similar but also had a sword instead of the letter “t” in knight.

Haupt told the board he and his staff will explore copywriting the logo so no other entity could use it without permission.

Bleachers, roof projects approved 

The board’s decision to install new bleachers at the district’s high school instigated the need for an official logo. Also on Monday, the board approved a $142,110 contract with C.M. Eichenlaub Co. for the demolition of existing bleachers, installation of new bleachers, and a Knight logo in the gym.

The board also approved contracts with Detwiler Roofing totaling $1.705 million to replace sections of the elementary and middle/high school roofs. 

Haupt said previously the district plans to conduct thermal scans of the new roofs every year to ensure they are not deteriorating faster than expected. 

“If all is good, the district should not have to replace a roof until 2031,” Haupt said, referring to the estimated end-of-life for sections of the roofs that will not be affected by the current project.

Other business

In other business, the board approved: 

  • the resignation of Crystal Heller, food services supervisor, effective April 21.
  • the resignation of Princess M. Zook, full-time Spanish teacher, effective Aug. 17.
  • the resignation of Emily Myers, high school/middle school special education aide, effective April 11.
  • the resignation of Deborah Mayhew, elementary cafeteria worker, effective April 20. 
  • the employment of Kathryn M. White as a part-time high school/middle school special education aide at $14 per hour effective March 30.
  • the employment of Michelle M. Molock as a part-time elementary personal care assistant (PCA) at $14 per hour effective March 29.
  • the employment of Lida G. Fitz as a part-time Elementary K-4 Aide at $13.50 per hour effective April 17.
  • the employment of Scott A. Wilt as a full-time assistant business manager at an annual salary of $80,000, prorated, effective April 4. 
  • a recommendation from the administration for non-renewal of a supplemental contract for the high school head Girls’ Basketball coach for the 2023-2024 school year.
  • supplemental contracts for the following individuals as coaches/advisors
    • Owen Phelan, middle school head soccer coach, $2,596
    • Cathryn Campbell, middle school assistant volleyball coach, $2,086
    • Larry Devilbiss, high school assistant varsity football coach, $2,648
    • John Packard IV, high school assistant varsity football coach, $2,648
    • Steven Reed, high school assistant varsity football coach, $2,648
Read about renovations planned in the Conewago Valley School District
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​Alex J. Hayes has spent almost two decades in the Adams County news business. He is passionate about sharing stories focused on the people in our communities and following local governments in an age when few journalists report on their meetings. Alex is also a freelance writer for several other publications in South Central Pennsylvania. Alex encourages readers to contact him at ahayes83@gmail.com.

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