HAPBI honors Jolin’s dedication

Tom Jolin advocates for the Gettysburg Inner Loop with patience, kindness and a smile.

If you have spoken to Jolin in the last 18 years, he undoubtedly mentioned the project. The loop is a bicycle and pedestrian path that surrounds Gettysburg with signage, bike racks and road markings. Healthy Adams County Bicycle Pedestrian Inc. (HAPBI) built the path with Jolin as its biggest cheerleader on two wheels.

Healthy Adams Bicycle Pedestrian Inc. Board Member Eric Meyer, right, honors outgoing board member Tom Jolin for his work on the Gettysburg Inner Loop.

More than 50 people gathered in the Gettysburg Area Rec Park’s Charlie Sterner Building on Jan. 11 to recognize Jolin for his work.

“His vision continues to inspire others for continued action,” HAPBI board member Eric Meyer read from a plaque that will hang on Middle Street recognizing Jolin’s work.

Former Gettysburg Council President Susan Naugle has volunteered side-by-side with Jolin for years. The council didn’t fully understand bike paths when Naugle took office in 2008 so Jolin attended many meetings to educate them. Thanks to his others’ persistence, the Gettysburg path was started before many other communities understood the value.

“The competition is fierce for these dollars now and it has gotten harder and harder to get the money,” Naugle said.

Jolin credited his friends and family for Gettysburg Inner Loop’s success.

“You feel so rich when you are around nice people,” Jolin said. “You are all such nice people with such giving personalities.”

Gettysburg Borough Council President Judy Butterfield wished Jolin well and said that even though his time with HAPBI is complete, his kind demeanor will continue to benefit the community.

“Keep smiling,” Butterfield said.

Featured image caption: HAPBI Board Member Eric Meyer, right, presents fellow Board Member Tom Jolin with a picture of a plaque that will hang on Middle Street recognizing Jolin’s work on the Gettysburg Inner Loop Project. (Photo by Alex J. Hayes)

Learn more about Gettysburg’s latest trail proposal

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​Alex J. Hayes has spent almost two decades in the Adams County news business. He is passionate about sharing stories focused on the people in our communities and following local governments in an age when few journalists report on their meetings. Alex is also a freelance writer for several other publications in South Central Pennsylvania. Alex encourages readers to contact him at ahayes83@gmail.com.

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