Heidi Tomsho-Dutterer is Candidate for Littlestown School Board

Heidi Tomsho-Dutterer is running for a Littlestown School Board seat.


032619 2033 HeidiTomsho1

032619 2033 HeidiTomsho1


Tomsho-Dutterer has worked for the Federal Public Defenders Office for the District of Maryland and the Governor’s Drug and Alcohol Abuse Commission (GDAAC). She has been involved in drug and alcohol prevention programs for high risk youth.

Tomsho-Dutterer has been board chairman at the Hanover Area Jaycees and has worked at Hanover hospital.

She served as the parent representative on the Lincoln Intermediate Unit Steering Committee.

Her goal is to make every child’s school experience as happy and successful as possible. All children can thrive in happy environments.

Every child matters! she says.

Visit her facebook page.

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Charles (Chuck) Stangor is Gettysburg Connection's Owner, Publisher, and Editor in Chief. I would like to hear from you. Please contact me at cstangor@gettysburgconnection.org.

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