Adams County will be mailing its first set of ballots for this fall’s general election over the coming days, and most people who have signed up to vote by mail should receive their ballot within one or two weeks.
The ballots are expected to arrive from the state at the courthouse in the next day or two and the staff is ready to mail them.

“The first batch that we will mail includes almost 9,000 voters who are on permanent status,” said Adams County Elections and Voters Registration Director Angie Crouse.
Crouse asked people to wait for their ballots which will be arriving soon rather than calling in to the office. “Please be patient,” said Crouse.
Please take special note of the procedures to follow as you complete your ballot:
As soon as your ballot arrives, follow these four steps to be absolutely sure your voice is heard in this election:
1. Complete your entire ballot in blue or black ink as soon as you receive it.
2. Seal your ballot inside the smaller secrecy envelope; then, place that in the larger return envelope. If you do not place the ballot in the secrecy envelope first, it will not count!
3. Sign and complete the voter declaration on the back of the larger return envelope.
4. Mail your ballot, or return it in person to the official drop-off location at the county courthouse. The drop-off is outside of the security check.
REMEMBER: Your ballot will NOT be counted if you don’t use the secrecy envelope and complete and sign the voter declaration!
Charles (Chuck) Stangor is Gettysburg Connection's Owner, Publisher, and Editor in Chief. I would like to hear from you. Please contact me at