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New Bermudian Springs Middle School Site Announced
The Bermudian Springs Buildings and Grounds Committee announced the new middle school will be built near the front entrance of the campus in the field near the practice soccer fields. Superintendent Dr. Shane Hotchkiss said the exact positioning of the building has not yet been determined.
The site was chosen from among three proposed areas.
Democracy for America Will Discuss Healthcare Bills
Gettysburg Democracy for America will discuss healthcare at the United Lutheran Seminary in Gettysburg on Wednesday, May 1 at 7 p.m.
Erin Kelley, an organizer for Healthcare 4 All PA, a statewide group advocating for major reforms in the way healthcare is funded in PA will be speaking.
More information on the plan is available at
GASD Students Call out School Board about Lost Music Program Position
The Gettysburg Times reported that high school seniors Ben Shearer, Savannah Hochberg and Heather Rippeon asked GASD to reinstate the music position at the middle school.
The students said music was just as important as math, history, science, and English.
Dr. Brent Talbot, associate professor and coordinator of music education at Gettysburg College’s Sunderman Conservatory of Music has also called for reinstating music in the middle school.
Non-profit Expert to Speak Tuesday
Barbara Ernico, former president of the Adams County Community Foundation (ACCF) will meet with area nonprofit representatives and present gift copies of her newly published booklet, “Achieving Governance Excellence: A Guide for Nonprofit Boards,” on Tuesday April 30th. Enrico will be available for drop-in visits from 10 a.m. to noon and 2 to 4 p.m.
Charles (Chuck) Stangor is Gettysburg Connection's Owner, Publisher, and Editor in Chief. I would like to hear from you. Please contact me at