A generous donor again provided funding for a free turkey dinner giveaway.
The event was held Sat., Nov. 16, from 12:00 p.m. until 2:00 p.m. at the Biglerville Fire Hall

Volunteers, including Mayor Phil Wagner were on-site to direct traffic for the drive-through event. Hot meals with traditional Thanksgiving fixings were served. Roast turkey, mashed potatoes, stuffing, gravy, and green bean casserole were given out.
“The donor, who wishes to remain anonymous, loves seeing the support the community has for caring for people,” said Wagner. He that 425 meals were given out.
Amy Thomas, Contributing Editor, is responsible for community outreach, including our social media presence. She, her husband, and her two children reside in Adams County. Amy also works in early childhood education and occupational therapy, and volunteers with local organizations.