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Slideshow: Biglerville Hose & Truck Company #1 Fall Festival

The Biglerville Fire Company hosted itsannual fair last week. Hot meals were served nightly in the dining hall. Platters include: hot roast beef, hot chicken sandwiches, BBQ sandwiches and fries. Potato soup and cream of crab soup were also on the menu.

Also available were games, rides, cash Bingo, small games of chance, raffle prizes, crafts, vendors and more. The Dean Crawford and Dunn’s River Band musical groups performed.

Bville fire

This year’s fest included newly-added games and additional food options.

amy boyer jpeg
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Amy Thomas, Contributing Editor, is responsible for community outreach, including our social media presence. She, her husband, and her two children reside in Adams County. Amy also works in early childhood education and occupational therapy, and volunteers with local organizations.

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