Visitors to the Gettysburg National Military Park Museum & Visitor Center can explore the George Spangler Farm & Field Hospital throughout the 2022 summer season. The historic site will be open for visitors Fridays, Saturdays and Sundays, from 10 a.m. until 3:20 p.m., Friday, June 10 through Sunday, Aug 14, 2022.
Visitors to the historic site can interact with living historians and learn about Civil War medicine, medical techniques, the role of surgeons and caregivers, soldiers’ experiences, the humanity of citizens, the Spangler family and the role of civilians during and after the battle. Docents are available for questions. Civil War era encampments are set up on-site. Living historians from across the U.S. camp at the site and provide guests a glimpse of what happened here in 1863.

June 2022: Friday – Sunday Program Schedule
• 11:15 – 11:45 a.m. The Spangler Farm in 1863
• 2:00 – 2:45 p.m. An Army Field Hospital: The George Spangler Farm
Sunday Special Programming
Each Sunday throughout the summer season, Historic Gettysburg-Adams County (HGAC) will be on-site. HGAC interprets the design, construction and use of the stunning expression of an iconic, vernacular architectural form—the Pennsylvania Bank Barn. Representatives of HGAC discuss the George Spangler Farm’s restoration in the past decade—from a dilapidated structure in danger of collapse to a visage of its original glory—that revived this important, tangible component of American history.
June 2022 Living History Schedule
June 10-12:
• Civil War Historical Impressions: See Union and Confederate soldiers, Gettysburg civilians, generals and surgeons. A Confederate field hospital includes a portrayal of surgeon Hunter McGuire. Guests can walk through the encampments on the grounds of the historic site, interact with living historians and experience history come alive.
• The Healing: Conversations Between Nurses North and South: A unique and moving portrayal of women who pioneered professional nursing and served during the American Civil War. True
accounts based on diaries and first-person references reflect the profound impact these Civil War nurses had on the soldiers they treated that went beyond the battles and the war.
June 17-19:
• Blue & Gray Hospital Association: Civil War living history and educational organization teaches the
public about Civil War medicine and the roles of caregivers, medical staff, orderlies and ambulance
corpsman, as well as the civilian nurses and field relief.
• Patriot Daughters of Lancaster: Ladies aid society from Lancaster, formed after the firing on Fort Sumter, to provide money, food, clothing, bandages and supplies for soldiers serving in local
companies of Pennsylvania regiments. The ladies cared for the wounded at Christ Lutheran Church
and the Lutheran Seminary in Gettysburg, and held sanitary fairs and bazaars to raise money.
• 4th Texas Company B Infantry: Civil War reenacting group based in Southeastern Pennsylvania and a member unit of the First Battalion of the First Division of the Army of Northern Virginia, an organization for Confederate reenacting units in the eastern U.S. Company B Infantry’s mission is to uphold the memory of Texas soldiers in the Civil War and their families by accurately portraying southern soldiers and civilians, to educate the public about the common Civil War soldier’s life and ideals, and to promote preservation of Civil War battlefields and historic sites.
June 24-26:
• 17th Corps Field Hospital: Living historians exhibit and demonstrate Union Civil War medicine, including pill making, nursing, nutrition, medicines, medical instruments, a pocket and capital amputation kit. Sick call demonstrations reflect the types of illnesses seen daily.
Admission to the historic site is included with the purchase of a Film, Cyclorama & Museum Experience ticket at the Gettysburg National Military Park Museum & Visitor Center. Visitors also have the option to purchase single shuttle tickets for admission to the George Spangler Farm & Field Hospital. Friends of Gettysburg members receive complimentary admission and shuttle to the site during summer season weekends.
Shuttles depart the Museum & Visitor Center Friday through Sunday every 20 minutes starting at 10 a.m. with the last shuttle departing the Museum & Visitor Center at 1:40 p.m. The last returning shuttle to the Museum & Visitor Center departs the George Spangler Farm & Field Hospital at 3:20 p.m.
The living history schedules for July and August will be released throughout the summer. For shuttle tickets and announcements, visit
For information and tickets for exhibits, tours, events and programs offered by the Gettysburg Foundation, call 877-874-2478 or visit