United Way kicks off annual food drive

Everyone is feeling the pinch at the grocery store, but some Adams County residents are in extra pain.

United Way of Adams County Executive Director Laura McMahon hopes the 16th Annual Bag the Bounty Food Drive will provide some relief.

2022 09 09 bag the bounty scaled

United Way and its partners ACNB Bank, Kennie’s Marketplace, and the Gettysburg Times aim to collect 25,000 pounds of goods this year; a jump from last year’s 17,000 pound collection.

“It’s a bigger need now than ever,” McMahon said.

The most wanted items are canned fish and meats, canned and boxed meals, chunky soups and stews, canned fruits and vegetables, rice and pasta, boxed cereals, 100 percent fruit juice, cake and muffin mixes, peanut butter and jelly, shampoo and conditioner, bath soap, deodorant, baby food and diapers, powdered/shelf-stable milk, dish and laundry detergent, cleaning products, toilet paper, paper towels, toothpaste and toothbrushes.

Adams County residents can drop off food at the United Way, 123 Buford Avenue, Gettysburg, or one of 40 drop-off locations including ACNB Bank branches and Kennie’s Marketplace stores in Biglerville, Gettysburg, and Littlestown. 

The Bag the Bounty Food Drive ends Oct. 31. Collected items will then be distributed to those in need through several local food programs.

The National Park Service will contribute about 7,000 pounds of venison acquired through the park’s controlled kill program. Butcher Block in Biglerville processes the deer for free, McMahon said.

Local schools will also help United Way reach its goal. Bermudian Springs, Vida Charter School, Montessori Charter School, Fairfield High School and Saint Francis have committed to its students assisting the cause. Other schools that wish to participate can contact United Way Ready to Learn Coordinator Diana Fasnacht at dfasnacht@uwadams.org.

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​Alex J. Hayes has spent almost two decades in the Adams County news business. He is passionate about sharing stories focused on the people in our communities and following local governments in an age when few journalists report on their meetings. Alex is also a freelance writer for several other publications in South Central Pennsylvania. Alex encourages readers to contact him at ahayes83@gmail.com.

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