32nd Annual Peace Camp concludes

The 32nd annual Peace Camp, sponsored by the International Center for Peace and Justice, wrapped up its week on Friday. The camp was held at the VIDA Charter School and was attended by about 75 students, junior counselors, and counselors.

The week included sessions on identity, belonging, service learning, mediation, and community change, as well as a trip to the Gettysburg College Planetarium and the Adams County Historical Society.

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“We kept them busy and I think they had a good time,” said counselor Lili Rosenberg, daughter of camp director Melissa Rosenberg. “We did walking field trips to Waldo’s, the college planetarium, and the new historical society.” Rosenberg, completing her sixth year at the camp, first as a camper and now as a counselor, is now studying at Wilson College.

There were also large rations of playground activities and crafts, including tie-dye. But the camp had a serious side as well. Jan Power and Mary-Kay Turner from Mediation Services discussed “Playground Mediation.” The session drew high marks from the campers and counselors. Camper Abraham Posner said he enjoyed helping settle some scraps. “Usually they’re fighting over small things and you can figure it out.” Camper Helena agreed it would work. “Sometimes you just figure out how everyone gets at least some of what they want.”

“At the start of each day, we said what we will do to be kind today,” said camper Konrad. He also liked that, “when you walked to each table, there were lots of activities to do.” Camper Hailey mentioned that tie-dye was “one fun activity.”

But the campers agreed it wasn’t all studying conflict resolution. Sana said she enjoyed playing outside while Zoe enjoyed the snacks and said the planetarium was “really cool.” Hailey thought it was nice to see the new Historical Society after driving past so many times “on the way to soccer.” Pete enjoyed “going outside, the soccer and basketball,” while both Helena and Zoe enjoyed the tire swing.

Director Rosenberg, back from a run for 15 pizzas and starting the job of gathering everyone for their end-of-session photo, smiled saying “We keep them busy. We emphasize mediation and how to be kind, but there are a lot of fun things too.

The smiling campers agreed.

Featured image caption: Top row: Pete, Sana, and Helena; Bottom row: Konrad, Zoe, and Hailey.

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Leon Reed, freelance reporter, is a former US Senate staff member, defense consultant, and history teacher. He is a 10 year resident of Gettysburg, where he writes military history and explores the park and the Adams County countryside. He is the publisher at Little Falls Books, chaired the Adams County 2020 Census Complete Count Committee and is on the board of SCCAP. He and his wife, Lois, have 3 children, 3 cats, and 5 grandchildren.

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