Adams County Commissioners honor Children and Youth Services employees

David James, Esq. Was honored for 45 years of service to the children of Adams County as Guardian Ad Litem at the meeting of the Adams County Board of Commissioners yesterday.

Commenting briefly to thank the Board, James said he missed working with kids, but would gladly exchange his formal suit for golf shirts and slacks for the rest of his natural life. He spoke passionately about helping children and praised those present for their work with the Adams County Children and Youth Services taking care of children “who have nothing, or less than nothing.” 

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Also honored for her service with Children and Youth Services was Teresa Polvinale, who has dedicated 20 years of service as a program specialist. The ACCYS director, Sarah Finkey, thanked both for their years of dedication and service.

In other commission business, Casey Darling-Horan, MSW, County Administrator for the York/Adams Mental Health–Intellectual and Developmental Disabilities Program, presented information regarding the 2022-2023 Human Services Development Fund Block Grant Program. The program provides services to about 15,000 clients throughout the two counties who need support and assistance with services for developmental delays. Commissioner Jim Martin said he was expecting the funding to increase, reflecting the growing mental health needs in PA. Darling-Horan said the program has been flat-funded, indicating no increase, for the past 11 years. She added that it might mean “looking at how we prioritize need” in the future.

Other Business

*The Multi-County Broadband Feasibility Study will be going ahead without Cumberland County. The Board of Commissioners approved an intergovernmental agreement with Franklin County to provide more equitable internet availability in underserved areas of both counties. Design Nine, Inc was recently awarded the contract for the Multi-County Broadband Feasibility Study for about $100,000. Franklin County will bear half the cost of the study.  Design Nine, Inc., a Virginia based company, has worked with several PA counties, seeking to improve broadband service, rural areas.

*A recommendation to approve an agreement for housing Adams County juvenile detainees and emergency placements at the York County Youth Development Center was heard from Sara Finkey, Administrator of Adams County Children and Youth Services. The rate of housing is $375 per diem.

*The Board of Commissioners approved a recommendation from Angie Crouse, director of the elections and voter registration to apply for funds from the Election Integrity Grant Program, which would provide more than $365,000 to Adams County for eligible election costs. Senate Bill 982 was signed into law July to allow counties to adopt to security and personnel requirements.

*The Department of Emergency Services will receive improved network infrastructure for its 911 Computer-aided Dispatch from Appalachia Technologies, LLC, of Mechanicsburg, PA. The company will provide technical support outside of regular business hours at a cost to the county of $32,857.80

Featured Image Caption: Lifelong Gettysburg resident, David James was recognized for 45 years of service to the Adams County Children and Youth Services. Front row, from left, Commissioner Jim Martin. Commissioner Randy Phiel, David James, Esq and Commissioner Marty Qually. [Judith Cameron Seniura]

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Judith Cameron Seniura is a freelance reporter. She began her journalism career in the early ‘70s and has written for newspapers, magazines, and other media in Ontario, Canada, Alaska, Michigan, Nebraska, San Antonio, Maryland, and Pennsylvania.

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2 years ago

York County has one of the poorest reputations for CYS, why would Adam’s County place children they “care” about in York County detention centers or foster plans. Mentioning the fee of $365 a day, how much does the actual child see if that, what services and programs to help change the child’s life or the family’s life are spent there? The object was never to remove the child-which it’s become for financial reasons- but to help and aide a family who might need some assistance. Today people are down on their luck with the present economy, it’s not always an… Read more »

Matt Bird
Matt Bird
2 years ago

Thanks for your service Dave !

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