A Guided Meditation for the Season

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“In deep and lasting ways, when we heal ourselves, we heal the world. For, as the body is only as healthy as its individual cells, the world is only as healthy as its individual souls… Care for your soul as if it was the whole world.” -Mark Nepo This is a time of year that

A Responsive Routine

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It’s back to school season and the student and educator in me are craving getting back into a routine. I’ve always been one for structure. Living with a chronic condition has reinforced that. When I stray from my routine, I feel it. After years of close attention, I know more or less what my body

“The Spaces in Between”

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This past month I had the privilege of co-leading a yoga retreat in the Penedès mountains in Spain. During our opening circle, we asked participants to share a few things about them including how long they had practiced yoga and meditation. I was curious to find out that while yoga experience in our group ranged

Kiss Your Brain: In honor of Brain Injury Awareness Month

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My daughter was only 3 years old when I had my first concussion, and came up with what she lovingly referred to as “the brain kiss.” In her worldview, my injury resulted in a variety of limitations and changes to my regular mommy duties. But instead of being angry about this, she looked for ways

The Greatest Gift

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“Amidst the chaos of life, your unwavering presence is the sanctuary others seek.”  – Deepak Chopra At the start of a recent Saturday morning class I attended, fellow yoga teacher Heather Seton shared these words of wisdom regarding the profound gift of our unwavering presence. We’re all familiar with the sentiment, “Your presence is gift

Finding Balance


Following a yoga class I taught this past week, a student said to me, “I really need to work on my balance.” My response was, “Don’t we all?” I find that I am constantly working on balance- finding the right balance of screen time and active outdoor play for my children, of kale chips and