Boomer goes digital

adams county library

While getting ready for work this morning, I turned to my wife and said. “I’ve got Da Do Ron Ron by the Crystals playing on loop in my brain.” She responded, “Well, that’s never good.” But I’m not so sure about that. I’m probably the only punk-rock aficionado who thinks this, but that song ROCKS.

Thoughts on Amber Alerts

community voices 300

Central Virginia, 1981, I rode shotgun-once-removed. JD sat in the front passenger seat due to his status as the driver’s roommate, I tucked in behind him for our three-hour trip. Scott drove us home for winter break. Scott, or Checks as we called him based on his propensity to bounce them, only stuck around that one year.

The Inevitable

Photo JCann1

The chipmunk that lived in the downspout behind my back porch died last week. Tommy murdered it. Does that sound hyperbolic?  Do cats commit murder? If he had any intention of eating it, I would say he killed it, but eating wasn’t part of the plan. He offed it for sport. He dropped it on