Gettysburg begins comprehensive zoning review; Hires new police officers

Gettysburg Borough is moving forward with a comprehensive zoning review. There have already been two meetings, which have focused primarily on administrative issues.

The borough said redrawing the zoning map would likely take a couple of months, and that public input would be sought going forward.

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The public can get information about the plan from members of the Gettysburg Planning Commission who will be at a booth at the Adams County Farmers Market on Saturday.

In other news, the 2023 summer street maintenance project is underway. The project begins with street base repairs and filling this week. Chip sealing should begin later in July.

Yard sale permits can now be purchased online. There is no longer a need to come to the office to get one.

The 2023 Gettysburg National Night Out will be held Aug. 1 at the Gettysburg rec park. There will be live music from 4:30 p.m. to 8:00 p.m., food trucks, a dunking booth, and prizes. Representatives from social services and law enforcement will attend.  “I’m pleased that it continues. It’s a wonderful contribution to the community,” said councilmember Judi Butterfield.

New Police Officers

The council approved hiring Alec A. Lardarello and Joshua T. Chilcote as entry-level patrol officers. Both positions will begin in early July and the two officers will attend an officer training course that begins on July 5.

If the officers are successful in their training they will become full-time members of the police force, bringing the total force to 13 members plus the chief.

Police Chief Robert Glenny expressed his gratitude to the council for their help in recruiting the candidates.

Councilmember Matt Moon said it took a combined effort from staff members across the borough to make the hiring happen.

Heyser said he was pleased with the hires.

Glenny said there would be some retirements in the department in the near future and that more hiring would need to be done.

Main Street Gettysburg President Jill Sellers said the borough was moving forward on the renovation of the Baltimore Street Welcome Center.  Sellers also said Main Street was planning for the 30th anniversary of the movie “Gettysburg,” as well as the premiere of the movie “A Gettysburg Christmas” which was filmed here earlier this year.

The borough said it had completed its annual audit for 2022, receiving an “unmodified opinion.” According to the auditors, this rating is the “best result the borough can receive.”

Borough recycling expert Debra English presented a report on the rain barrel project that helps residents save rainwater for outdoor use. English said the program continues and that interested residents should contact her.  Borough Manager Charles Gable said the borough had been asked to present the rainwater barrel program at a state sustainability conference that will be held in Gettysburg in the Fall.

The borough said maintenance on the Racehorse Alley garage has finished for the year.

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Terry Holahan
Terry Holahan
1 year ago

Farmers Market – Saturday?

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