Gettysburg Borough Updates its Financial Projections

Gettysburg Borough Manager Charles Gable reviewed the borough’s budget situation on Monday, saying he expected the borough to be in reasonable financial shape at year’s end but that this does not mean the borough has a “rosy fiscal future.”

Gable expressed particular concern about the costs of a potential settlement with a police officer.

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Gable said real estate tax payments are a bit lower than this year than expected, which he attributed mostly to the extended payment deadline allowed due to the pandemic.

But Gable predicted 98 to 100 percent of the budgeted taxes would be received by year’s end.

Gable said Earned Income Tax payments were up $7,000 over last July and that year-to-date they are only $4,600 behind last year’s collections.  

“It appears the Federal Payment Protection Program preserved a decent number of jobs,” said Gable. “There’s a chance we could end the second quarter ahead of 2019 but we won’t know that until August.”

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Gable said admission tax revenues are down, in large part because the Gettysburg Majestic Theater, the largest stream of admission tax revenue, remains closed.

Gable said the borough would probably realize only 45 to 50 percent of this revenue stream in 2020, which would be a loss of about $80,000 to $90,000.

Gable said that as of July 31 admission tax revenues were only at 14.4 versus the expected 60 percent of the annual expected revenue.

Gable said income from fines are expected to be about the same as last year.

Gable said hotel and motel room residency is only at about 47% of last year’s total which has led to a decline in pillow tax income.  “The borough will be fortunate to realize 45 to 50 percent of this revenue stream in 2020, which would be a loss of about $80,000 to $90,000,” said Gable.

Gable said “parking has bounced back a bit better than expected, but annual losses in parking are expected to be will be about 45% or $425,000.”

Gable reminded the council that significant budget cuts have been put it place to meet these revenue losses and that combined with a $1.7 million fund balance from the beginning of the year the budget might be in “a relatively stable financial situation.”

In other news from the borough,

Gable reported that 18 local businesses have taken one of the three-year low-interest revolving loans offered by the borough. Gable said no interest is to be paid in the first year.

Reporting from the heroin task force, council member Matt Moon said “sadly, overdoses are up since last year compared to last year. This is largely attributed to the difficulty people are having in finding assistance and care for their addiction issues.”  Moon said there had only been one fatality.

Moon said the York Adams Drug and Alcohol Association has a “sizeable supply” of Narcan that is available to organizations and non-profits.

The borough announced that hearings will be held on August 28 at 6:30 and 6:45 to discuss zoning changes and the reconstruction of a local hotel as apartments.

Joan Hodges and Gary Schaeffer were reappointed to HARB for five-year terms. Two new parklets are being built in front of the NerdHerd store.

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Charles (Chuck) Stangor is Gettysburg Connection's Owner, Publisher, and Editor in Chief. I would like to hear from you. Please contact me at

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Cara Russo
Cara Russo
4 years ago

Where did Judy Butterfield get her information about Friendly’s? Before she reported it did she confirm it? If so who is her source? Her information is false!

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