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Gettysburg Offers Battlefield Guide Exam in 2024

Gettysburg National Military Park will host a licensed battlefield guide exam in 2024. This is a requirement for those who want to provide historical tours of the battlefield to the public.

The exam is part of a multi-tiered process that also includes a written exam, field practicum, and oral exam. To become a licensed guide, one must first meet the requirements of the written exam. This will be held on December 7, 2024, at the Harrisburg Area Community College-Gettysburg Campus from 9:00 a.m. until 4:30 p.m. The written exam is one of four tiers in the licensing process; the other three include field practicum and an oral exam.

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To date, there are approximately 130 licensed Battlefield Guides who provide tours to visitors. Once licensed, they must also attend a mandatory information and orientation session. The detailed information about the licensing process is available on the park’s website.

Park officials say that the written exam is the first part of an intense multi-tiered process. Those who want to learn more about the overall licensing process and how to apply can visit the park’s website.

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Erich Nitzsche
Erich Nitzsche
10 months ago

Visiting Gettysburg monthly and as a Reenactor, I’d love to take this exam. My heart, drive and passion is to be there to teach others and learn more of our Civil War history. I’m itching at this prospect.

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