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Marty Qually announces bid for re-election as county commissioner

Adams County Commissioner Marty Qually will officially announce his bid for re-election on Monday, March 3, at the Adams County Democratic Headquarters, 24 Chambersburg Street, Gettysburg.

Qually is seeking his fourth term as County Commissioner.

Marty Qually 1

“Over the past eleven years it has been an honor serving the people of Adams County. While this board has many successful projects under our belts, I believe we must always look to the future. This campaign will not be about what we have done, it will be about looking forward to conquering the next challenges facing our communities,” said Qually.

Qually’s numerous accomplishments in his previous terms include building a new Human Services Building; creating the first county-wide electronic covered device recycling event; increasing county funding and commitments to the Economic Development Corporation and Industrial Development Authority.

Qually spearheaded the creation of the Mercy House, the county’s first substance abuse recovery house, and is leading the charge to improve high-speed internet in Adams County.

“My biggest accomplishment isn’t a single project. My biggest accomplishment is that people now see that county government works,” he said. “In a time of unprecedented and unnecessary political division, this board has found a way to focus on serving our community, not our own political agendas.”

If re-elected, Qually hopes to continue the success of the Mercy House Recovery Center. Recently, the RASE Project, which had staffed the Mercy House, had to end its services. The county has already vetted multiple new vendors and anticipates a new operator moving in within a few months. “It is critical that we keep fighting this epidemic and with a new operator at the Mercy House, we will,” he said. “At a recent county commissioners meeting, it was noted that opioid overdoses are finally decreasing in our community.”

Qually is also dedicated to the success of the County’s new Transitions to Success program for their re-entry center. The program is a trauma-informed rehabilitation model that will focus on the underlying issues that led to criminal behavior and develop healthier ways to cope with these issues. “It is too expensive for our criminal justice system to use tax dollars to only address the crime and not the causes of crime. When we ignore the individual causes of crime and the needs of the inmate, too often we see inmates again. Taxpayers, not inmates, pay for the jail. It is our duty to find better, more cost-effective ways to keep the community safe and return inmates as productive members of our communities,” Qually said.

Under Qually’s initiative, a one-time electronic recycling program filled three tractor-trailers with unused electronics. Its success spurred many municipalities to create their own electronics recycling programs. Glass recycling is also an issue facing the community.

“This is an international problem that is not being addressed by state or federal agencies. So, I have been working with a group of local citizens interested in bringing cost-effective glass recycling to the county. Just as with electronic recycling, glass recycling cuts across party lines. People want to do what is right for the environment, but it has become more challenging. I am excited that a group of residents is spearheading an effort to create a free glass recycling program. I will do whatever it takes to help the county partner with this group” Qually said.

Qually also believes that a key to Adams County’s continued success is broadband. Qually spearheaded early efforts in his tenure to create a broadband taskforce. With federal and state Covid relief and infrastructure improvement funds, the county has set aside money and intends to apply for additional funds to defray the costs of improvements. Currently, the county is conducting a broadband study and anticipates releasing results this year.

“We need high-speed internet for work, healthcare, education, and for our quality of life”. Qually said. 

Most importantly, Qually reiterated his dedication to listening to the public and prioritizing the county’s needs based on their concerns. “No one knows what challenges we will face in the years to come, but with vision and a willingness to learn, together we can face our challenges, Qually said.

The Adams County Primary Election will be held on May 16. Let your voice be heard and cast your vote for your next county commissioners.

Qually’s announcement will take place on March 3 at 6:00 p.m. in Gettysburg at the Democratic headquarters, 24 Chambersburg Street. All are welcome, but please RSVP at 717-337-5285.

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