My first six months in office

My first six months as Mayor of Gettysburg have been a wonderful learning experience. I enjoy interacting with the borough council and borough staff.

One of the mayor’s responsibilities is oversight of the police department. I interact with the department regularly and with Chief Glenny. I have started going on ride-alongs with the officers.

rita frealing

I initiated a borough leadership council and have monthly meetings with the Chief of Police, Borough Manager, Council President, and Council Vice President. The purpose of these meetings is to relay information and discuss topics in person. Though e-mail may be effective, I feel face-to-face communication is best.

Also, I have had meet and greets with community leaders. One was with Mike Cogliano, president of Gettysburg Hospital and WellSpan Health. Another was with Gettysburg College president Robert Iuliano. I also met with our State Representative, Don Moul, and had an introductory meeting with Healthy Adams County. In addition, I toured the Adams County Rescue Mission.

I love interacting with the public, at ceremonies, or even just walking down the street. Speaking at events is an honor.

I addressed the Gettysburg High School Honor Society, Gettysburg Eisenhower Institute, and a local church.

It was an honor and privilege to work with the Gettysburg Joint Veterans Memorial Day Committee. It was an even more tremendous honor to welcome people to the Memorial Day ceremony in the National Cemetery. I couldn’t believe I was sitting on the rostrum beside Abraham Lincoln.

Later that day, I made welcoming remarks at the 100 Nights of Taps opening ceremony. Surrealistic.

There are so many events that I didn’t mention and I look forward to providing you with future updates.

And I look forward to talking with you. My normal office hours are from 10:00 a.m to 2:00 p.m. Drop in or call ahead for an appointment. Or just call me to talk: 717-334-1160 ext. 230.

I’m in the Borough Council building, 59 E. High St., Gettysburg.

rita frealing
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Rita Frealing is the mayor of Gettysburg.

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Susan Karppala
Susan Karppala
2 years ago

You are doing a great job. Thanks for all you do! It really sounds like you are making some great connections.

Robert Prosperi
Robert Prosperi
2 years ago

Keep up the good work!

Andrea Theisson
2 years ago

It’s wonderful to know you are the mayor, Rita! I wish I could have voted for you – not living in the Borough. You will make a positive difference for the entire area! Cheers!

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