Send us a letter!

Letters to the Gettysburg Connection are welcome and encouraged. Letters from folks who live in Adams County area will be given preference for publication, but we know there are people all over the world who care about this community, and we’re glad to hear from them, too.

Our staff might make edits for grammar and spelling, but we will not make changes that alter the content or meaning of your letter. The Connection may decline letters that staff deem unfit to publish.

community voices new

We want to encourage healthy civil discourse. Although we value the opinions of community members, we want to ensure that this platform is shared among a variety of diverse voices and perspectives; therefore, we may limit the number of letters we publish each month from very prolific writers. We would recommend that letters to the Connection be no longer than 500 words, but that’s not a hard rule.

If your letter contains a good deal of research, please include your sources (preferably in the form of links to online sources). We appreciate well-researched work, but we have a limited staff available to do our due diligence in fact-checking; having sources readily available will expedite publishing.

If that all sounds good …

To submit your letter, please email and include:
• Your full name
• Your borough, township, or city of residence
• A title or affiliation, if you’d like.
Please also include your phone number in case we need to follow up with you, but we will not publish your phone number or your email address.

Interested in writing columns for the Connection?

Fantastic! The best way to get the ball rolling is to just send us a draft.

The same rules apply to regular columns and guest columns, except that they tend to be a bit lengthier (we recommend ~600–700 words). We’ll also want to run your photo, as you can see from the other columns in our Community Voices section. We aren’t too picky about topics, but we do ask that pieces have a tie to Gettysburg and/or Adams County

Comments must include your first and last name and an email address for verification.

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Carolyn DeLoe
Carolyn DeLoe
2 years ago

I strongly support looking into charter school funding. My understanding is that it is a considerable amount of money spent with minimal return. It might also be helpful for as many people to attend the school board meetings as possible to share our views with others who may support those views. Also, it would be helpful to have a better understanding of those viewpoints that may differ from ours and how we might reach compromise

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