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Slideshow: Brass Band Festival wrapup

The 2023 edition of the Gettysburg Brass Band Festival was a resounding success from June 7-11. The rain held off just long enough for all five days of our concerts and events to take place in delightful summer weather. We were all concerned about air quality due to Canadian wildfires, but it gradually improved during the weekend.

Thousands of listeners from the Mid-Atlantic States were in attendance to enjoy the glorious sound of brass bands, community bands, jazz groups, and the unique Taps Tribute performed in the Gettysburg National Military Park.  

brass band 2023

92 golfers participated in the TUBA OPEN benefit at the Carroll Valley Resort on Thursday morning …. a perfect day for golf! That evening, a benefit jazz concert and dinner catered by Biggerstaff’s was sold out and featured the Brubeck Brothers Quartet.  Listeners enjoyed lively music at various sites around the borough on Friday evening, and then spent two afternoons enveloped in the glorious sounds of brass at the United Lutheran Seminary!  A dozen brass bands from seven states offered concert marches, patriotic music, opera overtures, film score arrangements, and traditional British band fare … much to the delight of the audience.

This free event was organized by the GBBF Steering Committee in partnership with the Lutheran Seminary, Music Gettysburg! Concert Series, and Destination Gettysburg.  We are sincerely grateful to the ULS for the use of the pavilion, our many volunteers and individual donors, and the Gettysburg Lions Club.  Grant support was provided by the Robert C. Hoffman Charitable Trust, Pennsylvania Council on the Arts, the Adams County Arts Council.

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Ben Joes
1 year ago

Wonderful capture of this fabulous event in our community when 654 musicians performed over 4,000 listened🎺🎺

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