CONOZCA SUS DERECHOS – KNOW YOUR RIGHTS:  Legal workshop prepares immigrant families in Adams County


Today marks the first day of the new U.S. administration. Incoming President Donald Trump has vowed to put into place policies on Day One that include deporting “illegal” immigrants in grand sweeps.  In a time of anti-immigrant rhetoric and uncertainty about the impact the new policies will have on our local immigrant communities, many migrants

Making the MLK Holiday a day of peace, service, and healing

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During the past few years, we have gone through a long stretch of political onslaught in the media and many folks experience a great deal of stress and anxiety about the impact on their lives under the incoming administration and the significance of Monday, January 20th.   While this January 20th is certainly an important day

Cumberland Township Board of Supervisors reorganizes for 2025 year

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At their annual reorganization meeting on Monday, the Cumberland Township Board of Supervisors confirmed board and committee appointments for this year, as well as re-appointments of Township associated service providers. The board will continue in its current constellation, with Shaun Phiel as Board Chairperson; Christine Biggins as Vice Chair; and Jeff Brauning, Warren Shephard, and

Cumberland Township police department concludes the year with several wins

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At the Cumberland Township’s November Board of Supervisors meeting, Police Chief Matt Trostel introduced the department’s newest hire, police cadet Fausto Rodriguez.  Rodriguez  is the latest addition to the department after the hire of Jordan Spidle during the summer.  Both Rodriguez and Spidle are currently enrolled in the 125th Harrisburg Area Community College’s Police Academy

Cumberland Township awarded state grant to advance municipal campus and police department building project


Cumberland Township was awarded $700,000 in Redevelopment Assistance Capital Program (RACP) grant dollars to expand and upgrade police operations while keeping township administration under one roof. “We are thrilled to see this project move forward and realize the direct impact it will have on our operations and the community once the facilities can be upgraded,”

Listen more; shout less. No political violence

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In the weeks and months preceding this year’s election, incidents of political violence have risen all over the country. Many local voters have expressed concerns about being targeted by members of the opposing party once their political affiliation is revealed.  At a recent townhall meeting, an audience member stated that she was afraid to place

“If they could sacrifice, then so can I”. Beth Farnham addresses her call to run for office


Lt. Harrison Robins III, USAAF, was killed in Japan during World War II.  Captain Wesley Yeo Clement, a fighter pilot during WW II, was killed in 1953 during the US occupation of Germany. Robins and Clement were the great-uncle and grandfather, respectively, of Beth Farnham, the Democratic nominee for Pennsylvania’s 13th Congressional District, who recently

An Evening with Peng Shepherd – Adams County Library hosts critically acclaimed author of “The Cartographers”

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As part of the Adams County Library System’s (ACLS) 2024 Adams County Reads One Book program, local book lovers were treated to two special evenings last week with author Peng Shepherd.  The program is designed to have the whole community unite to read the same book, and the library then organizes special programs centered around

SCCAP Fundraising Banquet highlights success stories; raises more than $135,000 in donations

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More than 150 guests attended the South Central Community Action Program (SCCAP) 60th Anniversary Celebration and fundraising banquet on September 26 at King Street Church in Chambersburg, PA.  Attendees included SCCAP staff, volunteers, officials, and sponsors who celebrated the organization’s success, as well as numerous clients who, during the evening’s presentation of “Parade of Faces,”

Trabajadores agrícolas de primera línea honrados en el mercado Hollabaugh Brothers en Biglerville

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El secretario de Agricultura de Pensilvania, Russell Redding, la secretaria de Trabajo e Industria, Nancy A. Walker, y Kimberly Paley, presidenta del Consejo Estatal de Organizaciones Agrícolas de Pensilvania, acudieron el martes a la granja Hollabaugh Brothers del condado de Adams en Biglerville para asistir a una ceremonia de premiación en honor a tres agricultores

Frontline Agriculture Workers honored at Hollabaugh Brothers Market in Biglerville

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Pennsylvania Agriculture Secretary Russell Redding, Secretary of Labor & Industry Nancy A. Walker, and Kimberly Paley, president of PA State Council of Farm Organizations, came to Adams County’s Hollabaugh Brothers Farm in Biglerville on Tuesday, to attend an award ceremony honoring three frontline agriculture workers who had been nominated as “Pennsylvania Farmworkers of the Year”. 

Cumberland Township Municipal Campus to host building workshop

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Cumberland Township will be hosting a Building Workshop on Tuesday, June 18th, at 4 p.m to review building plans and resources for residents of Cumberland Township for the next 40 years. An overview of Cumberland Township’s Building Projects can be found here: Cumberland Township Municipal Building Project Overview From the desk of David Blocher, Township

Cumberland Township Police seek information about a suspicious package at GNMP Visitor Center

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The Gettysburg National Military Park Visitor Center reopened at noon on Tuesday, after a temporary closure following the report to Cumberland Township Police and National Park Services of a suspicious package deposited at the main entrance of the facility.  According to a Cumberland Township Police press release, the package had “handwritten messages to NPS officials

Third annual “Celebrate Your Health” day celebrated by local Latino community

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Local Latino families and health care and service organizations gathered on a beautiful, sunny Palm Sunday, to participate in the third annual “Celebrate Your Health” (¡Celebra tu Salud!) event at Gettysburg College. The annual gathering, sponsored by WellSpan Health and organized by Casa de la Cultura, Migrant Education, and Collaborating for Youth, was initially conceived

Cumberland Township Police Department gains another Sergeant

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At last night’s Cumberland Township Supervisors Meeting, the Board unanimously approved the promotion of Officer Joshua Goodling to Sergeant. Goodling joins Sergeant Joshua Rosenberger and Detective/Sergeant Stephen Higgs as the third member of the CT Police Department to hold this rank. Earlier this month, eligible CTPD officers engaged in a competitive examination for promotion to Sergeant.

Cumberland Township denies extension for The Crossing homes; celebrates Waybright Farm easement

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At this Tuesday’s Cumberland Township Board of Supervisors’ meeting, Township Manager David Blocher reported that staff had recently attended the easement settlement for the Beatrice F. Waybright Farm #2. “This now places the farm into the Adams County Agricultural Land Preservation program, which was funded by PA state, Adams County and Cumberland Township,” he said. 

Slideshow: Carolers take to the streets of Gettysburg

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A new holiday tradition was established last night, as about two dozen Christmas Carolers took to the streets of Gettysburg, spreading holiday cheer around town.  Their route took them from Lincoln Square to the steps of the Adams County Public Library, Gettysburg Presbyterian Church, The Christmas House, inside the dining rooms of Ploughman Cider Taproom,

Cumberland Township approves proposed 2024 Budget; no increase in current tax rates

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At Tuesday’s Board of Supervisors Meeting, David Blocher, Township Manager presented the proposed 2024 budget to the board. The proposal introduced the establishment of an Operating Reserve Fund.  Since the Township’s revenue stream is not constant, Blocher explained, the intermittent revenue streams result in current regular, budgeted expenditures outstripping current, regular budgeted revenue in any

Slideshow: HGAC Historic Barns Tour, 2023

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On a spectacular autumn day last Saturday, six Adams County barns were on display for the public to travel back in time for the annual Historic Barns Tour hosted by Historic Gettysburg-Adams County (HGAC).  Five of the barns are privately owned and usually not open to the public. Visitors were given the opportunity to drive

GARA wraps up a successful summer season

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The Gettysburg Area Recreational Authority’s (GARA) Executive Director, Erin Pedigree, reported on the following park activities during the months of June through August: The Farmers Market has seen overwhelming success at its new location at the rec park, featuring special activities such as Civic Engagement Day, a Homesteading & Green Living Expo, the Farmers Market

Cumberland Township amends zoning; hosts State Rep. John Joyce

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A public hearing was held prior to the Cumberland Township Board of Supervisors meeting on Tuesday to approve the amendment of various sections of Chapter 27 of the Cumberland Township zoning ordinance.  The amendment creates two new overlay districts, consisting of a Neighborhood Multi-Family Overlay Zone and a Mixed Multi-Family Overlay Zones which proscribe criteria

Adams Electric donates first aid kits to Cumberland Township Police Department

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Adams Electric Cooperative employees have donated 12 Individual First Aid Kits (IFAK) to the Cumberland Township Police Department. The kits, normally worn as a backpack, contain essential life-saving materials, including bleeding control and major wound treatments. The police department is looking to expand its officers’ individual equipment, including providing external bulletproof vests with Level III

Cumberland approves campground, sets liquor license hearing, for resort on former Boyds Bears site

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The Cumberland Township Board of Supervisors approved an application from BR Smith Properties seeking conditional use for a proposed campground in the Mixed Use (MX) zoning district located at 75 Cunningham Road. The site is the former home of Boyds Bears Country Barn, which is being developed into an upscale restaurant, hotel, and campground known

Cumberland police begin medical marijuana training

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Cumberland Township Chief Matthew Trostel gave an update on the police department’s activity during the previous month at the June Board of Supervisors’ Meeting on Tuesday. The report included police vehicle dispositions, department staff training, as well as positive communications received commending his staff and the department for exemplary handling of various incidents.  The Cumberland

Cumberland implements digital notification system; accepts resignation of Planning Commissioner and police officer

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At their May meeting, Cumberland Township Board of Supervisors members unanimously approved the purchase of a Savvy Citizen notification system that will enable township managers and police to alert residents of important events via text or email messages (in addition to a recently established Cumberland Township newsletter, the first of which is set to be

Commemorative vigil held for victims of gun violence


Almost 100 Adams County community members, many holding signs and wearing orange shirts, gathered for a “Stand for Children” vigil walk and special service in commemoration of victims of gun violence on the first anniversary of the Uvalde, Texas, school shooting. Organized by Gettysburg for Gun Sense, in collaboration with the YWCA Gettysburg & Adams

Refugee Resettlement Partnership of Gettysburg, Contreras, Kellett, Duffy and Murphy win 2023 Peacemaker Awards

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The Gettysburg/Adams County Chapter of  Interfaith Center for Peace and Justice (ICPJ) honored the 2023 winners of its Peacemaker Awards this week during a well-attended ceremony at the Valentine Hall Auditorium on the Lutheran Seminary campus.  Darren Glass, President of ICPJ opened the ceremony and mentioned that, since inception of the program in 1995, the

Bicycle Safety Rodeo teaches young children to ride safely

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The Gettysburg Church of the Brethren, in collaboration with the Cumberland Township Police Department, held a bicycle safety rodeo for children, ages 4 – 11, on the church campus last weekend.  The event featured bicycle safety checks, safety training, fun hand-outs, and a marked riding course.  Pictures (top l-r): Officer Dakota Myers providing safety tips;

Biglerville High School Future Farmers of America dedicate new greenhouse on campus

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After more than a year of planning and construction, the new Biglerville High School (BHS) greenhouse was officially dedicated on Tuesday at the Upper Adams School District campus in a ceremony hosted by Biglerville Mayor Phil Wagner, President of Canner Funds. The event was attended by Pennsylvania Secretary of Agriculture Russell Redding and other dignitaries,

Cumberland introduces new mental health co-responder

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At their April Board of Supervisors meeting, Cumberland Township Board members were introduced by MH-IDD Community Liaison Bruce Bartz to the new police co-responder McKenzie Johnson, a mental health clinician assigned to police departments to assist officers during emergency calls, helping to de-escalate crisis situations and connecting individuals to available resources. The crisis intervention co-responder

Evento del Día del Niño celebra a los niños

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Niños de todas las edades y sus familiares se reunieron en Vida Charter School en Gettysburg el sábado para celebrar el Día del Niño, un evento anual tradicional que celebra la infancia y los niños, la llegada de la primavera, el feriado del Cinco de Mayo, el próximo fin de la escuela. año, y un

Día del Niño event celebrates children

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Children of all ages and their family members gathered at the Vida Charter School in Gettysburg on Saturday to celebrate Día del Niño, a traditional annual event celebrating childhood and children, the arrival of spring, the Cinco de Mayo holiday, the coming end of the school year, and a spirit of community and belonging. The

GARA preparing for a busy spring and summer season ahead; Adams County Farmers Market opening at its new location

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Spring has arrived in Gettysburg and the Gettysburg Area Recreational Authority (GARA) will be hosting many of its activities on their campus over the next few months, as reported at the April GARA board meeting.  March and April have already seen the Church of Brethren Easter Dinner, bloodmobiles, dog classes, Black History Month Club, the

Cumberland Township to receive $3,566,262 in grant awards; prepares for campus improvements and busy community season ahead

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At their March Board of Supervisors meeting, Cumberland Township Manager David Blocher, reported that the Township was awarded a total of $3,566,262.00 in grant funding which will be earmarked as follows: $1,300,000.00 in grant funding awarded from the Redevelopment Assistance Capital Program (RACP) which will be used to support the community with campus improvements. $1,000,000.00

Cumberland Township police officer Joshua Rosenberg promoted to Sergeant

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On March 8, 2023 eligible Cumberland Township Police Department officers engaged in a competitive examination for promotion to Sergeant.  The officers had to answer scenario and leadership questions fielded by an Oral Board staffed by experienced police commanders from the Pennsylvania State Police, West Manchester Township Police Department and York City Police Department.  The officers

GARA explores improvements to alternative sports park; additional space for little league teams

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Two community members, Joshua Kinard and Derek Roden, attended The Gettysburg Area Recreational Authority’s (GARA’s) monthly board meeting on Monday to propose improvements to the Alternative Sports/Skateboarding section of the park.  Both representatives are experienced skateboarders who had used the park for many years when they were younger. “There is not much life left in

WWII American Experience celebrates Women’s History Month

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The Gettysburg WWII American Experience kicked off Women’s History Month on Saturday with an exhibit celebrating the inspirational and unprecedented contributions of women supporting the military efforts during World War II.  Featuring many authentic original artifacts, vehicles, uniforms, pictures, storyboards, and activities for children and adults, the exhibit highlighted the important roles that nearly 350,000

Cumberland Township board of supervisors approves medical marijuana training grant

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At their regular monthly meeting yesterday, the Cumberland Township Board of Supervisors unanimously approved a $25,000 Medical Marijuana Grant for the Cumberland Township Police Department. The grant had been awarded in December 2022 by the Pennsylvania Commission on Crimes and Delinquency (PCCD) as part of opening funding opportunities to all Pennsylvania municipal police departments to

Cumberland reorganizes; investigates racist graffiti

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At their January Board of Supervisors meeting, the Cumberland Township Board of Supervisors welcomed newly elected Township Manager, David Blocher and appointed the following members to boards and commissions: Planning Commission: Stephen Tallman – Re-appointed Robert J Bunce – New Planning Commission Alternate Kathleen Heidecker – New Planning Commission Alternate  HARB (Historical Architectural Review Board): Marty Miller –

GARA approves Story Walk; considers supporting ACHS bicycle trail

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The Gettysburg Recreational Authority (GARA) Board of Directors was presented with two proposals requesting GARA’s support. Pedestrian Trail:  The Adams County Historical Society (ACHS), together with Healthy Adams Bicycle/Pedestrian, Inc. (HABPI) is planning a new pedestrian trail from the end of the sidewalk on Carlisle Street up to the facilities of the Historical Society. Dennis

GARA approves 2023 budget

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The Gettysburg Recreational Authority (GARA) board of directors has approved the 2023 budget. The budget includes increases for staff salaries; $20,000 for building upgrades; support for out-of-area bus trips; and $7,000 in equipment repair.  The board approved the budget with the caveat that it may need to be amended. Saying a positive relationship with the