March Madness comes to Gettysburg


Every March college basketball fans around the country thrill to the words “March Madness.” Normally we watch the annual college tournament games on TV, but this year the tournament came to Gettysburg. Gettysburg College hosted the first round of the NCAA Division III Women’s Basketball Tournament. The college secured the hosting by winning top ranking

Adams County Democrats March in Support of Their Candidates

An estimated crowd of 150 Democrats marched in support of presidential candidate Joe Biden and their other candidates on Sunday in Gettysburg. “Our plan was to have a peaceful, socially distanced march to show support for our candidates, “said ACDC Chair Marcia Wilson, “and that’s just what we did.”  The march route was from Alumni

How To Vote by Mail in Pennsylvania

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For the first time this year all Pennsylvanians can vote by mail. With the COVID-19 virus striking us during the primary season it is good to have this option. There is no way of knowing that it will be safe to go to the polls on June 2nd. All you need to do is fill

Slideshow: Gettysburg Basketball Celebrates its Departing Seniors

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Moms, dads, sisters, brothers, girlfriends, and boyfriends came from far as Los Angeles to see their senior loved ones play their final games at Gettysburg College last weekend. The families were rewarded with two excellent games against Muhlenberg College on Saturday. The women played first. Before the game, the senior quartet of Keira Cesareo, Ashley

Top 20 Nationally-ranked Basketball Right Here in Gettysburg

Gettysburg Women’s Basketball, 2020

The Gettysburg College Women’s Basketball Team is currently ranked in the top 20 by two different National NCAA Division 3 polls. With 19 wins in row they have the longest win streak of any team in Gettysburg College and Centennial Conference history. If you want to see them play there are only three more home

Richard L. Sterner Announces Run for Pennsylvania State Senate

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An enthusiastic crowd of supporters gathered at the Thirsty Farmer Brew Works in Biglerville on Wednesday to support Bermudian Springs School Board Vice President Rich Sterner’s announcement that he is running for the 33rd Pennsylvania State Senate district.   Sterner [photo by Pete Vogel] Sterner is running as a Democrat. The district, which includes all

CBS News Chief Major Garrett Discusses the Trump Presidency

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A standing room only audience gathered to hear CBS News Chief Washington Correspondent Major Garrett at Gettysburg College on Tuesday Evening.   Garrett The presentation, “The Trump Presidency: Partial Productivity Amid Impatient Belligerence,” was hosted by the Gettysburg College Fielding Center for Presidential Leadership Study. Garrett also discussed his new book, “Mr. Trump’s Wild Ride:

Congressional Candidate Eugene DePasquale Speaks to Gettysburg College Democrats

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Pennsylvania State Auditor-General Eugene DePasquale, a Democrat who is running for U.S. Congress in the 10th PA Congressional District, was the special guest at Monday’s meeting of the Gettysburg College Democrats. DePasquale talked about health care, military strength, taxation, and civil rights. “I’m fed up with corrupt government insiders who put wealthy special interests before

Gettysburg Rocks for Cancer Research

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Over 140 bands at 20 venues, from Gettysburg to Waynesboro to Thomasville, performed rock, country, Irish, acoustic, and other styles of music to raise money for kids with cancer last weekend at this Fall’s “Gettysburg Rocks” festival. The musicians performed for free and the venues provided stages and sound systems. The shows were also free