County Commissioners approve more rental assistance funds


The Adams County Commissioners approved $2,147,170 in Emergency Rental Assistance Program 2 (ERAP 2) funding on Wednesday. ERAP 2 extends the ERAP 1 rental assistance program to households that were negatively impacted during the time of COVID (March 13, 2020 to present) but not due to COVID.  ERAP funds come from the federal government and

Adams Commissioners approve vaccine incentive and violence-awareness proclamations

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On a split vote the Adams County Commissioners voted to sign a memorandum of understanding (MOU) between the county and the American Federation of State, County, and Municipal Employees, AFL-CIO, District Council 89, (AFSMCE) regarding the County’s COVID-19 Vaccine Incentive. The incentive states in part that “in an effort to reduce the public health risk

County proclaims August as Child Support Enforcement Awareness Month

As Adams County Commissioner Marty Qually told county domestic relations employees that “you have one of the most important jobs in the county,” the Adams County Commissioners made August Child Support Awareness Month. Adams County Executive Director of Domestic Relations Kelly Carothers noted the difficulties of operating their office during the pandemic. “The past 17

The Black Influence – Series 3 – Gettysburg’s Underground Railroad

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Black History in Adams County cannot be complete without paying respect to the escaped slaves that followed the Underground Railroad (UGRR) through Adams County. The National Park Service describes the UGRR by saying: “Beginning in the 17th century and continuing through the mid-19th century in the United States, enslaved African Americans resisted bondage to gain

SCCAP food pantry needs your help

South Central Community Action Program (SCCAP) Gettysburg Pantry is a food bank located at 153 N. Stratton Street (rear of building) in Gettysburg. The pantry serves over 625 families from Gettysburg, McSherrystown, Biglerville, and Arendtsville every month. The pantry is open Monday, Wednesday, and Thursday, 9:00 a.m. to 3:30 p.m. (closed from noon to1:00 p.m.).

Adams County Commissioners thank Deb Kammerer and Wayne Smith, again hear about prison employment concerns

The Adams County Commissioners recognized retiring employees Deb Kammerer and Wayne Smith for their dedication to the Adams County Ag Land Preservation Board of Directors. Commissioner Randy Phiel stated they would have given the recognition at the board’s previous meeting but they were previously committed to another event. Kammerer was on the call and thanked

Adams County Commissioners Proclaim Medicine Take Back Day and Conservation District Week

The Adams County Commissioners have officially approved Saturday’s Medicine Take Back Day. The event will occur from 10:00 a.m. to 2:00 p.m. in Biglerville, Gettysburg, Carroll Valley, Hanover, Littlestown, McSherrystown, New Oxford, and York Springs. Residents can safely dispose of unused, unwanted, or expired prescriptions and over the counter medications, loose pills, liquids, creams, and

County Announces Hospitality Recovery Grant Recipients

The Adams Economic Alliance (AEA), with support from the Adams County Office of Planning and Development, has announced the recipients of COVID-19 Hospitality Recovery Program (CHIRP) grants.  The program, which is providing $1.16 million in state funding to qualifying Adams County businesses, is part of a larger $145 million statewide initiative to help sustain Pennsylvania’s

Adams County Commissioners Proclaim “Child Abuse and Neglect Prevention Month,” “National Crime Victims’ Rights Week,” and “Stand Against Racism Week” * Announce Changes in Polling Locations.

The Adams County Board of Commissioners has made the following proclamations: Child Abuse and Neglect Prevention Month – April: Child abuse has been identified as a national health crisis. In Adams County, 1,313 incidents of alleged child abuse or neglect were reported in 2020. The Proclamation states, “all children deserve to have a safe, stable,

The Black Influence – Series 2: 1847 to 1864

In 1847, John “Jack” Hopkins was a custodian at the Gettysburg College. He was hired making only $15 a month. This was the normal wage for a free Black man in Pennsylvania. He was held in high esteem by the faculty and students. It is said that he helped freedom seekers during their passage in

County Commissioners Sign Vaccine Center Agreement, Approve Thaddeus Stevens Statue Wayside Area

The Adams County Commissioner’s Office has ratified an agreement to cooperate with Wellspan Health on the Community Vaccination site at the EMS Center. The Agreement was executed about March 15, 2021. Commissioner Randy Phiel stated he “could not be prouder of the collaboration” and that at this time “nothing is more important.” Phiel thanked County

Adams County Honors Land Conservancy; Transfers $6.7 Million of Federal Funds to SCCAP For Housing Aid

The Adams County Commissioners unanimously approved a proclamation to recognize March 11 to April 25 as Land Conservancy of Adams County (LCAC) month on Wednesday. LCAC President Dave Salisbury thanked them saying “thank you for the long-standing critical support for the 26th year, and 12,000 acres preserved.” Commissioner Randy Phiel said “two things are consistent:

The Black Influence – Series 1: 1780 to 1850

In 1780, Pennsylvania lawmakers passed “An Act for the Gradual Abolition of Slavery.” The Act stated people born into slavery in 1780 and after, would be freed when they turned 28 years old. However, people born into slavery before 1780 were still enslaved for life. For the time, this was a progressive step, but don’t

County Approves Community Vaccination Site, $1.17 Million in Hospitality Industry Relief

The Adams County Commissioners voted Wednesday to approve a memorandum of understanding with Wellspan Health to open a COVID-19 Community Vaccination Center in Adams County. The center will be located at the county’s Department of Emergency Services Building at 230 Greenamyer Lane in Straban Township. Vaccinations will be given inside the building by appointment only.

County Commissioners Award Grants to Benefit Outdoor Recreation and Mercy House

The Adams County Commissioners last week approved over $100,000 in grants to assist local municipal parks as well as the Gettysburg Pedestrian-Bicycle Inner Loop project. The specific awards were for the following: Gettysburg Inner Loop-Phase B2 – $25,000.00 Freedom Township Municipal Park- Phase 1 – $25,000.00 Straban Township Recreation Playground Equipment – $25,000.00 Gettysburg Area

Adams Commissioners Honor MLK and Court Reporters

With words of praise and appreciation, the Adams County Commissioners unanimously voted January 18, 2021 as “Martin Luther King Jr. Holiday” in Adams County. Commissioner Jim Martin read the proclamation of Martin Luther King Jr. Day by the MLK committee.   The commissioners also unanimously proclaimed the week of Feb. 6-13, 2021 as “Court Reporting

Where is the GASD School Board?

Dear Editor,         In response to your Nov. 7 COVID and school districts article, I would like to address Gettysburg Area School District’s (GASD) health and safety plan, transparency, and opportunities. On Monday Dec. 7 a group of concerned GASD parents and taxpayers collaborated on a letter to Superintendent Perrin and the GASD school board about